Sunday, January 04, 2015


Hello!! and Happy New Year 2015, my friends!!!! 
I want to share with all of you my new SHOP on ETSY with several portraits and doodles of some of my characters, done with penballpoint, crosshatching technique and, sometimes, with some colorpencils too. Theay are the ORIGINAL DRAWINGS in A4 size  aprox. NO PRINTS, but soon, I will put more works, especially the A3, prints, etc 

I hope you like it!!

SubversiveGirl on ETSY

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! It requires a great and steady hand to achieve a beautiful ballpoint pen drawing. The crosshatching technique requires a lot of clean lines, but I guess that depends on which type of method you use. I'm sure it was hard keeping the lines thin to create the rich textures in your artwork, Rebeca, but you really did an awesome job. Thanks for sharing that! Kudos and more power to you! :)

Alex Anderson @ Business Marketing Toolbox